Friday, August 21, 2020

Shawn Joyce Essay Example For Students

Shawn Joyce Essay Homer (Odyssey)The exemplary epic The Odyssey and the Old Testament show manydifferences in the Greek and Hebrew religions. The Greek religion ispolytheistic and the Hebrew religion is monotheistic. In contrasting thenature of the divine beings there are numerous distinctions. In looking at therelationships among Odysseus and Athena on one hand, and Job and God onthe other, we can perceive contrasts between the strict mentalities ofthe Greeks and Hebrews. These distinctions incorporate, one God versus many,and infantile divine beings versus a caring God. In Homers Odyssey, Odysseus manages numerous Gods while in the OldTestament Job manages one God. Homer expresses, the ace of paradise andhigh thunder, Zeus, went to his place among the Gods(101). This is areference that the Greek religion is a polytheistic religion. The quotecontinues to express that Athena cautions Odysseus of the misfortunes that hewill experience (101). She continues to caution him since she minds abouthim. Athena thinks about Odysseus similarly as God thinks about Job. Godrespects Job, for he says, nobody on earth resembles him-he is a really goodperson, who regards me and will not do abhorrent (Job 1.8). Since Job hasnever effectively disregard God, God cherishes Job and doesnt need anyharm to transpire. Despite the fact that the books are extraordinary, the worry thegods have for their kin is comparable. Greek divine beings acted in a silly way a portion of the time. Poseidon,the God of the ocean, needed to crush Odysseus (Book V).His activities wereimmature and inappropriate in light of the fact that he should be a divine being, which is nothow he acted. The divine beings are likewise desirous. Calypso expresses, a remorseless parcel you will be, you divine beings, and as desirous as envious can be!(bookV). On the off chance that the divine beings should be rulers, at that point for what reason would they say they are envious? Jealousyis not an authentic characteristic. One can find in the Old Testament that the Hebrew Godis never desirous. While talking with Satan, God says, All right, Satan,do what you need with whatever has a place with him, yet dont harmJob(Job1.12). God isn't envious on the grounds that above all else, that isn't hisnature. Also, he realizes that Job is his dependable servant.In the twobooks the divine beings act diversely as indicated by their temperament. All in all, it is imperative to see the distinctions andsimilarities in the two bits of writing. The connections betweenOdysseus and Athena and Job and God are comparable here and there. Both Athenaand God care for their faithful subjects. In the Odyssey there are differentgods and in the Old Testament there is just a single God. A portion of the divine beings inthe Odyssey have puerile characteristics, while in the Old Testament, God acts in agodly design.

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